Friday, June 22, 2007

Two Weeks Old

"Getting to know you, getting to know me"

Pompom (grandpa Jorge) and Abuela (grandma)

Me and Mom
I honestly couldn't put him down. I wanted him with me always. But I did learn to share.

Papa Bob and Grammy Ty son

Proud Daddy
It is an amazing feeling to see the result of such a great love all wrapped up in the arms of the man I love. Even more amazing to hold this precious one we have loved so much for so long, even before we had seen his face.

"What a difference a day makes."

Noah Franklin Murdock
04.19.07 @ 4:10 AM
6 lbs 12.6 oz
19 3/4 inches long

After almost ten months of harboring this little one, I was a little sad for the end to come. So was Noah.... even after almost three hours of encouraging him to come into this world, he would not buge. And though he gave us a little scare, after a few minutes of silence and assistance from the wonderful nurses, I finally heard his cry. The most beautiful sound I have ever heard.